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ESCP Europe Launches a Bachelor in Management in September 2015 ! (Publi-info)


A unique Bachelor of Science in Management

This new ESCP Europe BSc in Management offers students the opportunity to acquire management skills directly relevant for a future career in business, while broadening their horizons, for example studying psychology or sociology. At ESCP Europe, students study in 3 European countries while staying at the same school with an internationally renowned faculty.

What are the Key Features of the programme?

  • Small group pedagogy allowing for in-class interactivity and regular face-to-face time with international, research-active faculty

  • Multinational teamwork and development of intercultural skills

  • Practical real-life cases and business simulations to prepare students for their first steps in the corporate world

  • In-depth development of written competencies, and of presentation and rhetorical skills through numerous workshops

  • Collective projects to trigger student initiatives, developing creativity and entrepreneurial spirit

  • Internships and social projects facilitated by our links to the corporate and institutional world, providing our students with their first true professional experiences

  • Certified Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Management


The Curriculum

During the three-year programme, students learn about the various fields of business management and acquire the necessary background in economics and law, as well as the basics in mathematics and statistics applicable to different management domains.

At ESCP Europe, we also believe that learning about liberal arts and humanities gives students an important heads-up on the various ways one can think about different situations, contexts and realities. This is why we have included courses in psychology, sociology, and international relations, among other topics, to help students understand all aspects of the world in which businesses evolve.

Students also develop a number of skill sets such as presentation and communication techniques, and training in several languages.

Alongside several group work projects, students will apply their acquired knowledge to two collective projects, working on a range of subjects and events in line with their personal interests. 2 internships and a Bachelor thesis complete the students' academic path.

Internships and Career Services

Internships are an integral part of the Bachelor programme at ESCP Europe as they allow students to apply the theory learned in-class to real-life professional situations, helping in turn to clarify their career goals. The Careers Service provides support and advice in the students' internship search and gives access to internship job offers. 

Find out more about the ESCP Europe Bachelor in Management
Download the Bachelor in Management Brochure

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