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Nom du projet: Notre–Dame (Re)births City University of Hong Kong, Ms Ashley WONG

https://www.cityu.edu.hk/cxo/programmes/event/notre-dame-rebirths?value=E ,
Exactly 5 years after the fire that partially ravaged the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, the Cultural Exchange Oasis of CityUHK, in collaboration with Alliance Française de Hong Kong, unveiled (Re)births, a spectacular multimedia exhibition on the construction and successive restorations of one of the most iconic symbols of France throughout the centuries. It’s part of the French May Arts Festival as an Associated Project. (Re)births presents the history of Notre-Dame through various mediums, including a 3D model, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), videos, photographs, and unique architectural exploratory works designed by CityUHK students. From its origins to the ongoing renovation efforts, the exhibition aims to raise awareness of the importance of protecting and cherishing such historically significant architectural landmarks. Come and discover the cathedral, which has stood as a symbol of France for centuries.

Valeurs clefs:
The Notre-Dame Re(Birth) Exhibition is guided by the following principles and values: 1. Collaboration: The project emphasizes the importance of collaboration between France and Hong Kong. It recognizes that successful restoration and preservation efforts require the combined expertise, resources, and efforts of multiple stakeholders. The Notre-Dame Rebirths project is a part of the renowned French May Arts Festival, Asia's largest cultural event. 2. Cultural Heritage Preservation: The project underscores the importance of preserving and restoring cultural heritage for future generations. 3. Education and Engagement: The project values education and aims to engage visitors through an immersive and informative experience. It seeks to educate the public about the historical and architectural significance of Notre-Dame Cathedral and the restoration process, fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage. The exhibition also showcased the design work by CityU's Architectural and Civil Engineering students, providing them with hands-on opportunities and enhancing their educational experience; 4. Innovation and Sustainability: This multimedia exhibition embraces innovation and sustainability by incorporating cutting-edge technologies and environmentally friendly practices. It encourages the exploration of new methodologies and approaches in cultural heritage preservation while ensuring the long-term sustainability of restoration efforts. 5. Mutual Respect: The initiative respects and celebrates the cultural heritage of both France and Hong Kong, promoting mutual understanding and respect. By upholding these principles and values, the Notre-Dame Re(Birth) Exhibition showcases the joint collaboration between France and Hong Kong, contributing positively to their influence, reputation, and relationship on the global stage.

A votre avis, en quoi votre projet contribue t-il au rayonnement de la France et/ou de Hong Kong ?
• Showcase CityUHK’s skills in organising meaningful events on non-local and cultural topics alongside a charity (Alliance Française de Hong Kong) and attracting a large and diverse public. • Showcase CityUHK students’ skills in design and architecture creativity. • Showcase French institutions’ skills in technological innovation: VR, AR, and historic monuments restoration. • In the context of the organisation of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, and the reopening of Notre-Dame at the end of 2024, showcase France's capacity to attract visitors and organise large-scale events. • Set an example of Hong Kong / French teams and institutions' fruitful collaboration.

Avez-vous reçu un financement pour ce projet ?
• As a key partner in the Notre-Dame Re(Birth) Exhibition, CityUHK is providing the venue and covering the production costs for curating this remarkable project. • Alliance Française offers especially content support, also thanks mainly to Alliance Française de Singapour, Institut Français, and Etablissement public administratif chargé de la conservation et de la restauration de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. • L’Officiel also brings cash sponsoring to fund the AR device. • The French May Arts Festival offers marketing and communication support. • The Consulate of France in Hong Kong and Macau connected CityUHK and AFHK and brought an institutional and official acknowledgement of the event.

Décrivez les participants du projet:
Participants: ● Cultural Exchange Oasis of CityUHK: ○ Ms Candy Chouk (Director - Chinese) ○ Ms Ashley Wong (Executive Officer - Chinese) ○ Ms Winnie Lee (Executive Officer - Chinese) ○ Ms Janet Cheung (Clerical Officer - Chinese) ● Cultural and Communication team of Alliance Française de Hong Kong, multicultural team with: ○ Mr Jean-Sébastien Attié (Executive Director - French) ○ Ms Stella Ko (Head of Marketing and Communication - Chinese) ○ Mr Thibault Paris (Culture and Events Manager - French) ○ Ms Katy Lau (Senior Marketing and Communication Officer - Chinese) ○ Ms Chérine Chau (Cultural Officer - Chinese) ● Supported by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau ○ Ms Christile Drulhe (Consul General - France) ○ Mr Benjamin Cabouat (Counsellor for Culture - French) ○ Ms Eugénie Arfi (Cultural Attaché - French) ● Exploratory works contributed by the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, CityUHK ○ Professor Charlie Xue (Professor - Chinese) ○ Professor Hao Zheng (Assistant Professor - Chinese) ○ Students from the department (Students - Chinese) ● An Associated Project of the French May Arts Festival represented by: ○ Xavier Mahé (Executive Director - French) 67 days of exhibition (22 April - 28 June) Around 40 photographs, 4 videos 3 VR experiences 4 AR experiences 1 3D Model 7 exploratory works made by CityUHK students Contacts between CityUHK’s Cultural Exchange Oasis team and Alliance Française de Hong Kong team began in 2023 via the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau. Quickly, the decision was made to organise the exhibition based on a similar exhibition that took place in Singapore (Alliance Française de Singapour) in 2022.
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