Édition internationale
Radio les français dans le monde

Nom du projet: Inspiring Girls Hong Kong N/A, Ines Gafsi

Inspiring girls' work within the French International School context focuses on holistic development, offering education, mentorship, and opportunities for leadership, STEM engagement, and cultural exchange. Girls are empowered through tailored programs fostering confidence, resilience, and social responsibility. Mentorship initiatives provide guidance, while STEM activities break gender stereotypes and encourage curiosity. Leadership programs nurture skills like communication and decision-making, preparing girls for future roles. Cultural exchange opportunities promote language learning and intercultural understanding. Engaging in community service fosters empathy and social impact. Overall, by creating an inclusive, supportive environment, girls are equipped to thrive academically, professionally, and personally, breaking barriers and becoming leaders in their communities and beyond.

Valeurs clefs:
The main principles and values of our project are: Empowerment: Our project is founded on the principle of empowering girls to realize their full potential. We believe in providing them with the support, resources, and opportunities they need to overcome barriers, pursue their aspirations, and become leaders in their communities and beyond. Inclusivity: We value inclusivity and diversity, recognizing the importance of creating an environment where all participants feel valued, respected, and included. We actively engage students from diverse backgrounds, including ethnic minorities and international students, to ensure that our programs are accessible and impactful for all. Equality: Our project is guided by the principle of equality, advocating for equal opportunities and rights for all participants regardless of gender, ethnicity, or background. We strive to break down societal barriers and stereotypes that hinder girls' progress and promote a more equitable and just society. Education: We believe in the transformative power of education and lifelong learning. Our project prioritizes providing girls with access to quality education, mentorship, and skill-building opportunities that equip them with the knowledge, confidence, and capabilities to succeed academically, professionally, and personally. Leadership: We foster the development of leadership skills and qualities among participants, instilling values such as integrity, resilience, and empathy. We believe that every girl has the potential to be a leader and make a positive impact in her community and the world. Community Engagement: We are committed to actively engaging with the community and fostering positive social change. Through partnerships with corporate sponsors, local organizations, and government agencies, we leverage collective efforts and resources to address pressing issues and create opportunities for growth and development. Collaboration: We value collaboration and teamwork, recognizing that collective efforts yield greater impact than individual actions alone. We work collaboratively with stakeholders, including role models, sponsors, educators, and community leaders, to design and implement effective programs and initiatives. Innovation: We embrace innovation and creativity in our approach to addressing challenges and achieving our goals. We continuously seek new and innovative ways to inspire, support, and empower girls, leveraging technology, research, and best practices to drive positive change. Social Responsibility: We uphold the principle of social responsibility, recognizing our role in contributing to the well-being and prosperity of society. We are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities, promoting sustainable development, and fostering a culture of giving back. Respect: We value respect for oneself and others, fostering an environment of mutual respect, dignity, and understanding. We encourage open communication, empathy, and tolerance, promoting a culture of kindness and acceptance within our project community. Overall, these principles and values guide our project's mission and vision, shaping our actions, decisions, and priorities as we work towards empowering girls and building a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future.

A votre avis, en quoi votre projet contribue t-il au rayonnement de la France et/ou de Hong Kong ?
Our project makes significant positive contributions to both the influence and reputation of France and Hong Kong through various avenues: Cultural Exchange and Diplomatic Relations: By collaborating with the French Consulate in Hong Kong and hosting events such as International Women's Day celebrations, our project strengthens cultural exchange and fosters diplomatic relations between France and Hong Kong. Through these interactions, participants gain insights into French culture, values, and diplomatic initiatives, enhancing mutual understanding and collaboration between the two regions. Promotion of Feminist Diplomacy: Highlighting France's commitment to feminist diplomacy during our events and programs not only showcases France's progressive stance on gender equality but also aligns with Hong Kong's efforts to promote women's rights and empowerment. This emphasis on feminist diplomacy enhances the reputation of both France and Hong Kong as champions of gender equality and women's empowerment on the global stage. Corporate Engagement and Social Responsibility: Our project's partnerships with corporate sponsors, including multinational companies with a presence in France and Hong Kong, demonstrate a commitment to corporate social responsibility and community engagement. Through their support, sponsors contribute to the positive image of both France and Hong Kong as places that prioritize social impact and youth empowerment. Educational Excellence and Innovation: By providing girls with access to quality education, mentorship, and leadership development opportunities, our project contributes to the reputation of both France and Hong Kong as hubs of educational excellence and innovation. Through innovative programs and initiatives, we prepare the next generation of leaders who are equipped to address complex global challenges and drive positive change. Promotion of Multiculturalism and Inclusivity: Our project's emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, including the engagement of ethnic minority and international students, promotes multiculturalism and tolerance within both French and Hong Kong societies. By fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, we contribute to the reputation of both regions as vibrant, multicultural communities that celebrate diversity and embrace inclusion. In summary, our project positively impacts the influence and reputation of France and Hong Kong by strengthening cultural exchange, promoting feminist diplomacy, fostering corporate social responsibility, advancing educational excellence, and promoting multiculturalism and inclusivity. Through our collaborative efforts and commitment to empowerment and social impact, we contribute to building a more interconnected, equitable, and prosperous global community.

Avez-vous reçu un financement pour ce projet ?
Our programs thrive due to the generous support of our corporate partners and grants. These vital contributions enable us to expand our reach and impact, empowering more girls to achieve their full potential. Recently, our groundbreaking initiative, EmpowerHer Future, garnered recognition and support from Operation Santa Claus and UBS, distinguishing itself among 30 competing charities. This prestigious accolade has propelled us to pioneer Hong Kong's inaugural financial literacy program tailored specifically for girls. EmpowerHer Future is an innovative endeavor designed to equip young women with essential financial management skills through an interactive digital platform and a life-size Monopoly-like board game. This initiative addresses a critical need within our community, providing girls with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of personal finance confidently. The program's unique approach blends educational content with engaging gamification, fostering experiential learning and skill development in a fun and immersive setting. Participants embark on a journey through various financial scenarios, learning budgeting, investing, and risk management strategies along the way. By simulating real-life financial decision-making, the program empowers girls to make informed choices and take control of their financial futures. Moreover, the collaboration with Operation Santa Claus and UBS underscores our commitment to partnership and innovation in addressing societal challenges. Together, we are leveraging our collective expertise and resources to pioneer a transformative initiative that has the potential to positively impact generations of young women in Hong Kong. As we launch Hong Kong's first financial literacy program for girls, we are not only providing practical skills but also fostering a mindset of financial independence and empowerment. Through EmpowerHer Future, we are laying the foundation for a future where all girls have the knowledge and confidence to achieve financial security and success.

Décrivez les participants du projet:
Since its establishment in 2020, our charity in Hong Kong has been dedicated to empowering youth, with a particular focus on girls aged 14 to 16, to overcome stereotypes and reach their full potential. Our commitment to inclusivity and diversity is evident in the composition of our participants. Approximately 60% of our participants are local students, representing a diverse range of backgrounds and educational institutions across Hong Kong. These students form the core of our programs and initiatives, providing a strong foundation for our efforts. Recognizing the importance of inclusivity, we have actively engaged ethnic minority students, comprising 30% of our participants. Their unique perspectives and experiences enrich the cultural tapestry of our community, and we provide tailored support to address the specific challenges they face. Additionally, 10% of our participants are international students residing in Hong Kong, contributing diverse perspectives and global insights that enhance the learning experience for all participants. The success and impact of our charity have been significantly bolstered by the support of corporate sponsors who share our vision and values. Key sponsors including HSBC Asset Management, London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), Societe Generale, Noble Panacea, Olay, and Whisper provide financial support, resources, and expertise, enabling us to deliver impactful programs and initiatives that empower youth. The relationships within our charity's ecosystem have evolved over time, fostering collaboration, support, and mutual empowerment: The relationship between students and female role models has evolved into a supportive and empowering mentorship network. Role models from diverse backgrounds serve as mentors, advisors, and champions for the students' success, providing valuable insights and guidance. The relationship between students and sponsors extends beyond financial support to include mentorship, internship opportunities, and career guidance. Sponsors actively engage with students through workshops and networking events, providing exposure to the professional world. The relationship between sponsors and our charity has deepened over time, with a shared commitment to social responsibility and youth empowerment. Sponsors contribute to our strategic direction and program development, leveraging their resources to maximize effectiveness. Overall, the evolving relationships within our charity's ecosystem have created a dynamic and inclusive community where youth are empowered to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential. By harnessing the collective efforts of all stakeholders, we continue to expand our reach and impact, fostering a brighter future for the next generation.
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