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Nom du projet: Flash sales to avoid waste OnTheList , Delphine Lefay

OnTheList was founded in 2016 by Diego Dultzin and Delphine Lefay, a French couple. OnTheList is Asia’s first members-only flash sales concept. OnTheList Flash Sales are promoting sustainability as we are preventing unsold goods and past season items to end up on the landfills. OTL creates a plateform to encourage a circular economy by creating a good value proposition for savvy shoppers. OnTheList is operating in 8 different countries in Asia and in the Middle East and we want to focus in the countries where we can see that more stocks are being destroyed, like in Hong Kong and Thailand, a new market– in order to increase our impact on the planet. We started in Hong Kong where we have a team of 60+ full time people and we are 200+ people around Asia.

Valeurs clefs:
● OnTheList became Bcorp in 2022, among only 10 Bcorp companies in Hong Kong and lead the Bcopr community by hosting networking events with B Lab at OnTheList showroom in Hong Kong to promote sustainability and B Corp message. ● We are committed to reduce waste in our daily operations by recycling the plastic hangers, bags and paper products since 2019 and continues to do so by hand-delivering them to chosen recycling partners. ● We are ensuring items are reused or repurposed into new products, resulting in over 6 tonnes of waste being saved in 2022 from ending up in landfills or the ocean. ● All of OnTheList’s shopping bags are also made from 100% recycled polyester, and our online packaging are using minimal ink and environmentally-friendly cardboard. ● All the efforts align with OnTheList’s landlord, Swire’s sustainability commitments, as well as ensuring their carbon footprint and energy consumption remains significantly low as they build lasting climate resilience.

A votre avis, en quoi votre projet contribue t-il au rayonnement de la France et/ou de Hong Kong ?
OnTheList is working with most of the French brands including LVMH, Kering, SMCP, L'Oreal to mention few. We are in contact with CEOs of these brands in France that are discovering Hong Kong through what we are doing and that are in a way proud to discover HK through young entrepreneur like us.

Avez-vous reçu un financement pour ce projet ?
OnTheList is own by Diego and Delphine, we don't have any external investors.

Décrivez les participants du projet:
2 founders: We have 200+ people in the team with 70% of women and 20+ nationalities. We have a leasdership team of 6 people, the market directors. The founders are a couple and promote s a value the family spirit. Delphine Lefay: https://www.linkedin.com/in/delphine-dultzin-lefay-ba603751/ Diego Dultzin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diegodultzin/
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