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Impact Tracker Visual_1Mo.png

Nom du projet: PALO IT Impact Tracker PALO IT HONG KONG LIMITED, Fei Shang

73% of investors state that efforts to improve the environment and society contribute to their investment decisions. To support organizations facing the obstacle of measuring impact across all arms of their business, and creating new sustainable business models, PALO IT France and Hong Kong offices co-created the Impact Tracker to address these challenges in one cohesive, holistic, actionable space. We’ve structured this platform into five domains: the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, carbon accounting, people, processes, and finance. These five dimensions are interconnected, but also must be individually mediated and balanced to deliver true change. The PALO IT Impact Tracker is, as far as we know, the first solution of its kind in France, Hong Kong and globally, to blend carbon, financial, people, process and SDG-related data in one easily accessible place. We leverage French academic framework and social society support to deliver the best science-based experience for our customers.

Valeurs clefs:
One of our significant methodological triumphs was gathering the proper frameworks (UN SDG, GR491) to serve our customers. In terms of the values of PALO IT: Our Values WE ACT WITH COURAGE & KINDNESS We can influence the future of our planet for the greater good, and we have the courage to act. We believe in our vision. We don’t shy away from the world’s biggest challenges. We challenge the status quo in order to help organisations reinvent themselves. We dare to try and explore emerging technology in order to achieve great things. We value servant leadership and foster self-organizing teams. We always seek to recruit people more talented than ourselves. We treat everyone with kindness, and stand for what is right WE SHARE, IT’S OUR DNA We believe it is our responsibility to free access to knowledge in order to unleash the global creative genius. We believe in the power of collective intelligence over individual intellect. We share our knowledge with the community to make a greater impact. We believe in the superiority of knowledge sharing over intellectual property. We understand first and share our expertise. We don’t dictate our point of view. We believe sharing our knowledge with Palowans elevates our personal and collective potential. WE CHOOSE POSITIVITY We choose to approach our professional and personal life with enthusiasm and a positive mindset, seeking to spread joy and making a continuous effort to improve ourselves. We are driven by our love for what we do. We are actively making Palo IT a better company. We see issues as opportunities to improve. Rather than put blame, we reflect on how we can be part of the problem and solution. We thirst for knowledge, and always strive to learn and ask for help when needed. WE CARE ABOUT OUR WORLD We are the blacksmiths of our time. We care about each other's well being and we have the power and responsibility to build a better future. We care about Palo IT’s contribution and impact on the future of our world. We care about the impact of our actions on teammates, customers and the community at large. We find joy in the success of others. We empathise, we listen and care about each other's’ perspectives. We give feedback rather than criticise. Respectful confrontation is our gift to help each other grow. WE DELIVER AWESOMENESS We nurture and take pride in our delivery culture. We aim to exceed expectations, we are makers of awesomeness. We aim to delight customers and users with experiences they love. We strive to always honour our commitments. We are doers who always give their best. We self-organise and take ownership of our projects. We act with freedom but remain accountable. We take initiative. We cherish our entrepreneurial culture and mindset.

A votre avis, en quoi votre projet contribue t-il au rayonnement de la France et/ou de Hong Kong ?
PALO IT's commitment to sustainability is shown in the PALO IT Impact Tracker. All progress was made internally, with cross-country collaboration. Offering an open-source solution that includes all of the dimensions and capabilities required to assist our customers with their sustainable transformation is not a common approach in our industry. PALO IT proves its commitment to a regenerative economy with this decision. Our solution will be shared with our partner and competition to offer the greatest results for the community. We are deeply committed in Hong Kong's progress, serving on committees such as the Business Environment Council. Sustainability is not a local issue, but a global one, and our solution can modestly contribute to the success of international regulation and transformation.

Avez-vous reçu un financement pour ce projet ?
This project is invested by PALO IT (HK). PALO IT is also 100% independently owned, with 0 debt

Décrivez les participants du projet:
Impact Tracker is a cross-country project including offices in Hong Kong and France. We have a development team formed by 12 members, with 7 nationalities: HK office: Product Owner: Benoit Focque (French) Scrum Master: Adriana (Mexicans) Designer: Hin (Chinese) Developer: Clement (Canadian) Developer: Russell (Filipinos) Developer: Michael (Korean) Developer: Satyajit (Indian) Developer: Derek (Chinese) French office: Consultant: Aurelie (French) Developer: Yousra (French) Developer: Melisande (French) Developer: Yann (French)
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