Édition internationale
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Founded in 2012 in Paris, L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts is the first ever educational initiative which welcomes general public into the knowledge of jewelry arts. 2019 marked the official opening of L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific in HK to be its first permanent school outside Paris, serving the growing demand for jewelry arts education across APAC. Both schools share the same mission and vision. Involved in L’ECOLE APAC workforce and faculty members include a combination of talents from France and Hong Kong. Our leading faculty consists of experts from both regions including jewelers, designers, mockup artists, stone-setters, art and jewelry historians, gemologists and lacquer artists. Cross-region collaborations happened frequently to mutually exchange art knowledge. The exhibition, “The Art of Gold, 3000 years of Chinese Treasures”, firstly held at L’ECOLE APAC highlighted historical exhibits from one of the most outstanding private art collections: the Mengdiexuan collection. A fruitful collaboration with collectors and Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, who share the values of transmission with L’ECOLE, local experts and L’ECOLE Paris, led to an educational exhibition, free admission for visitors who rediscovered the heritage and beauty of Chinese goldsmithing techniques. This show will travel to L’ECOLE Paris in late 2022.

Valeurs clefs:
Driven by the values of transmission, sharing and curiosity, and perpetuating an attitude of benevolence and intellectual and emotional generosity, L’ÉCOLE makes jewelry knowledge accessible to all.

A votre avis, en quoi votre projet contribue t-il au rayonnement de la France et/ou de Hong Kong ?
The growing arts and cultural landscape in Hong Kong with the opening of museums in the past and coming years will help further foster the mission of L’ECOLE, to share its knowledge with the local and global audience. Along with the borders gradually opening and tourism starting to resume, Hong Kong as Asia’s leading cultural hub will be reinforced and L’ECOLE will continue its contribution in sharing not only French art culture but jewelry knowledge in all aspects. Since 2017, a department dedicated to research has guaranteed the rigor of the educational content taught, as well as its accuracy and relevance. This research also complements our knowledge of jewelry in its historical, gemological, and technical dimensions. New courses have therefore been created, exhibitions organized, and books published on little-known or even unpublished topics, such as jewelry drawings, in L’ECOLE in Paris and Hong Kong. A place for the transmission of jewelry culture, L’ÉCOLE also contributes to the construction of jewelry knowledge, with the same levels of excellence. The Scientific Council, made up of experts from the academic, museum and scientific spheres, ensures the consistency of L’ÉCOLE’s educational approach, the relevance of its pedagogical content, and its research orientations. Finally, to promote jewelry culture, valuable partnerships in both regions have been forged with museums and cultural institutions around educational and/or scientific projects. In line with its educational mission, L’ÉCOLE has naturally sought to partner with various additional cultural projects. It has therefore embarked on partnerships that reassert its commitment to traditional and innovative savoir-faire and creativity. Partnerships in France and Hong Kong bear witness to L'ÉCOLE’s basic missions: spreading culture, transmission and education.

Avez-vous reçu un financement pour ce projet ?
L’ECOLE is fully supported by the High Jewelry Maison Van Cleef & Arpels. Hong Kong is currently the only permanent campus outside of France, showing its commitment to the city.

Décrivez les participants du projet:
During the opening of L’ECOLE Asia Pacific in 2019, we had a team in Hong Kong of: 1) No. of team members: 20 2) Nationalities: French 9 / Chinese 9 / Thai 1 / British 1 As of April 2022, we have: 1) No. of team members: 26 2) Nationalities: French 9 / Chinese 16 / Thai 1 The team was enlarged over the years, working together in a fruitful way towards one common purpose of jewelry arts education, one shared commitment to transmit the jewelry culture, despite all the challenges faced since the opening (alternating phases of opening and closure during the pandemic), being creative to continuously bring meaningful learning experiences to our community at home, accelerating the digital developments through Live Online talks, online campaigns, enriching the e-library of free educational videos, creating virtual exhibition tours. The local relevance in the topics and cross-cultural dialogues was promoted through many initiatives from the courses to the conversations or the exhibitions offered. And beyond the fully dedicated L’ECOLE team, many contributors supported our mission and development: local experts, collectors and Friends of L’ECOLE supported programs, talks, exhibitions, among whom are the team of the Art Museum at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Professor Xu Xiaodong, Dr Tong Yu Sam, Jenny F.So, Feng Sian), Mrs Lynn Fung (Director of Liang Yi Museum), Ms Stephanie Fong (Curator of Liang Yi Museum), Mr Daniel Roberts (Director of Silver Archiving from Liang Yi Museum), the Liang Yi Museum team, Dr Isabelle Frank (Director of the Exhibition Gallery at City University of Hong Kong), Dr Miro Ng (Gemologist, Professor at L’ECOLE, Founder and President at Centre for Gemological Research), Mrs Catherine Maudsley (Art Historian, Art Consultant, Curator, Educator and Writer), and Peter Cheung (CEO of Peter Cheung Asia Ltd). Important contributors to this project include internally: Marie Vallanet-Delhom, President of L’ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts Nicolas Bos, President & CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels Élise Gonnet-Pon, Managing Director of L’ÉCOLE Asia Pacific Nicolas Luchsinger, President, Asia Pacific of Van Cleef & Arpels
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