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See how RTT can help you adapt really quickly in your new country

RTT Auckland new beginningsRTT Auckland new beginnings
Écrit par Colleen Haupt
Publié le 11 novembre 2020, mis à jour le 23 novembre 2020

Is moving countries leaving you feeling you have lost your identity, not good enough, or just plain overwhelmed by the process? In fact, moving countries has been known to be the highest stress level one experiences. Even more stressful than losing a loved one or divorce. In partnership with New Beginnings, see how RTT (rapid transformational therapy) can help you adapt really quickly in your new country. 


new beginnings auckland

As Christmas approaches, many immigrants experience the effects of not physically seeing their loved ones which can lead to depression, anxiety, and also loss of identity. Our family and friends back home understand who we are, our culture, and we have a history with our family and friends. Having to recreate a new life, moving out of our comfort zone does not come easily to most people. 

See how RTT can help you adapt really quickly to your new country

Communicating to other people than your community can seem stressful or trying to understand the new culture of your new country as well as getting to know the locations and finding a job are all stresses that pressure family units. Being an Immigrant myself having moved from South Africa to New Zealand with my family, I understand the dynamics and challenges one faces when moving countries.

Top 5 benefits of RTT with expatriation

  1. RTT helps change your thinking really quickly with the loss of identity and makes you feel part of your new country – settling in much quicker.
  2. RTT eradicates the feeling of not feeling good enough to work in the country, removes the feeling of being alien.
  3. RTT increases your self-confidence and self-worth.
  4. RTT helps you with your confidence in speaking English and communicating with people confidently and without fear.
  5. RTT helps you thrive whilst going through a change – no stress.


For all lepetitjournal.com readers, we are running a free 20-minutes consultation for people who want to see how RTT can personally help them in these uncertain times. Coping with change, anxiety, quit smoking, start a new business... Just send us an email to auckland@lepetitjournal.com with « RTT free-20 minutes consultation » on the subject prior to getting more information. 


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