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3 questions to Juliette Darand, Yoga teacher at the Sunday Festival

Juliette, Yoga teacher at the Sunday FestivalJuliette, Yoga teacher at the Sunday Festival
Juliette, Yoga teacher at the Sunday Festival
Écrit par Amandine Brugier
Publié le 20 février 2020, mis à jour le 20 février 2020

The (Sun)day Festival is coming soon. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday, February 23rd at the French Rendez-vous / Pumphouse Theatre, only lakeside restaurant. On the programme: Yoga & Park Clean Up, open air market, dressing-room and open air DJ set in an idyllic setting only a few minutes away from the CBD. Not bad, right?!

On this occasion, Le Petit Journal Auckland went to meet Juliette Darand, a young French woman expatriate in New Zealand since last February and who will lead the yoga class. She tells us about her love for this discipline and especially how she became a teacher.



Hello, Juliette, what's yoga provide you ?

I have found in yoga a beautiful way of reconnecting to myself and learning more about my body, how to listen to it and look after it. Practicing yoga really is uplifting.

When and how did you fall in love with this discipline ?

I really fell in love with yoga step by step after taking classes 4 years ago.

How did you become a yoga teacher ?

I decided to do a yoga teacher training while I was going to donation based classes in San Francisco and had the chance to talk with the teachers there. I then completed a 200hours yoga teacher training in November 2018 in Bali. Learning about breathing techniques and how to teach was a wonderful experience and I am planning on doing more trainings. 

See you at the (Sun)day Festival ! 


yoga sunday festival


Le Petit Journal Auckland - (Sun)day Festival

Pumphouse Theater/French Rendez-vous - 2A Manurere Avenue, Auckland.
Sunday, February 23, 2020 : 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Free admission


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